
Dictionary of Chemical Equation was developed in 2012 and has more than 5 million users/ month, proving service to students and teachers across Vietnam

Introduction - Dictionary of Chemical Equation

Dictionary of Chemical Equation has been built originally in Vietnamese and contain more than 7000 equations with more than 3000 substances.



This has also been translated to over other 50 languages.

Mobile Apps

We also deliver this software in mobile application:




What have we learnt from millions of users?

Stability is a huge effort

With more than 2000 users using the application during peak hours, we spend lots of time optimizing the web app to handle the enormous amount of requests every single minute.

However, from this great lesson, we learned the importance of website speed. Serving only the content when it needed but still providing great flexibility to keep users stay on site.

User experiences are the most important

With a huge amount number of users, all user interface has to be simple enough so that no one will need to ask you: "where should I click next"?. 

The information has to be represented in the most optimized to save time for users. The results? Vietnamese students talk about us whenever they learn chemistry.

What is future plan?

Continuous improvement is part of our day to day operation. We constantly monitor website performance and from that implement new technologies to help millions of users experience better everyday.





Dictionary of Chemical Equations Binh Le
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